Friday, October 9, 2009

Local Government

As I was watching one of my favorite programs, "Oregon Field Guide" I saw an episode wherein young kids were being introduced to "rural" life. The reason was from the fact that wolves had been re-introduced to Idaho and Montana as they had become endangered due to man doing all they could to wipe them out. Wolves prey on livestock, so ranchers were/are protecting their investment. These wolves have now made their way to Eastern Oregon. It is a good program, so the ranchers can see the kids and "urban" folks who have concerns about killing wolves, and of course so the urban kids can see why the ranchers kill when they have to.

Many rural people hold on to the idea that city folks don't know what is going on in the real America, and they should keep their nose out of their business, and for the most part, I couldn't agree more. Ranchers and farmers usually best know the land, what it takes to work it, preserve it, and keep it viable for the next generation, while environmentalists try to implement changes that usually tend to have negative impacts to not only the environment, but all activity.

In that same light, rural folks don't really know what it takes to hack it in the city, yet whenever a city wants to implement laws that can and do protect the citizenry, like limiting gun carrying in city limits, those same rural folks throw a fit. People need to keep their nose out of other peoples' business, and when it comes to policy, rural folk need to keep their mouth shut about how cities and counties of populated areas prosecute gun and hate crimes, and urban people need to shut the fuck up about rural issues, agriculture, etc.... This would go a long way to creating understanding between these two diverse groups.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Redneck Games

I see some are hailing the fact that the IOC didn't choose Chicago as a sign that Obama is being rebuked by the rest of the World. Right wing Republicans are trying to use this as an opportunity to say, "even the rest of the World is putting that nigger in his place". Well, as Fire Marshall Bill would say, "Let me show you something!"

Remember the last time there was a "terrorist" attack at the Olympics? Was it in Beijing, in 2008? No wait, it had to be Athens in 2004, a land right next to Muslims, with hundreds of known terrorist organizations running around. No, that wasn't it, it had to be Sydney in 2000, wiat a second, only sharks to contend with there. For God's sake, when was the last time we had a terrorist type attack at the Olympics? Oh, that's right, Atlanta Georgia, 1996. A right winger from America decided to detonate a bomb in the Olympic Park.

Now, remembering this, do any of you toothless, ignorant, right wing faggots really want to start asking why the IOC may have looked for a better spot for the Olympics. Really; Obama was the reason? Get a clue and look in the damn mirror.

Health and Harm

As the health care debate rages on, here is another point of view that hasn't been looked at to date. When Republicans wanted to mobilize and go to war against terrorists after the 9/11 attacks, Democrats weighed the issue and signed on. Not all Democrats did, but the majority did. They saw what was going on, and even though they knew that there was going to be some collateral damage in going to war, there were going to be extra costs, yet unseen, they knew there was going to be some ugliness coming as a result, they signed on anyways because it was going to protect Americans in the long run from future attacks.

WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS NOT WORK FOR HEALTHCARE AS WELL? If Democrats can sign on to protect the country militarily, then the Republicans can and must sign on to health care reform and the public option domestically. Yes the cost may rise some, yes, it will increase the size of government, but remember Republicans, when you assholes wanted to spend billions on war, the Dems followed because it was the right thing to do. Health care is also the right thing to do, so quit fucking around and give Americans what they want. 65% of Americans want a public option. And Democrats, remember this, you were sent to Washington as delegates, not trustees. We are not asking you to make a judgement call, we are telling you callow cowards, to pass health care reform, WITH a public option. Just think about it this way, why should we keep voting for you Democrats who raise our taxes if we are not going to get any of the benefits we are requesting? If I vote for a Republican, at least if I don't get anything out of sending him/her to Washington, I won't have a higher tax bill. I am willing to have the higher tax bill, if you fetch some results Dems.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Shut Up Hippies

I love liberals, but I hate hippies. Some people don't see the difference, but there is a distinct separation between them. Here are some of the reasons I feel the way I do.

Hippies will show up to an Earth Day function in a fossil fuel burning vehicle.

Hippies will preach about how organic food is better for the planet, when in fact it uses pesticides to process and fossil fuels to deliver it to the farmer's market.

Hippies like to smoke pot, which unnecessarily uses valuable fresh water to cultivate.

Hippies live in houses made of wood and wipe their asses with toilet paper, yet protest logging.

Hippies protest the G8 summit every year, (yes some are just anarchists) but hippies show up too, and they don't know what they are protesting.

Hippies bash capitalism regularly, but sell hemp bracelets at country fairs.

Hippies believe that native cultures have the answers to all the world's problems, when in fact they are many times just as much the cause of problems as the rest of us.

The reason I hate hippies, is because they are hypocrits. If they stuck to their beliefs and didn't do the exact things or use the things they protest against, I wouldn't hate them so much.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where there is George Will, there is no way.

Democrats are going to have to learn very quickly that health care reform in bipartisan form is never going to happen. The crazy sect of the Republican party (Tea Baggers and Evangelicals) don't want to see it pass because it is a Democratic ideal, (also a Christian ideal) funny how paradoxical that is. The second of the Republican sects, the fiscal conservatives don't want to pay for it, no matter how much it costs. With this sort of resistance, Republicans cannot and never will support health care reform. People like George Will, who is a very bright man, don't want to pay for poor people to have health care. Remember income class as well. During the campaign, John McCain thought the middle class was people who made $200,000 to a million dollars a year. So when Republicans say they don't want poor people's health care subsidized, they are actually referring to the middle class and lower. Wow, the same people who vote them in or out of office are not entitled to have health care costs reigned in.

As I was lying in bed with my beautiful life she made a very poignant observation/statement. Republicans need to know that Obama is not a "quota" president. That is to say, many Conservatives are paranoid that people in certain positions were put there because of their skin color, handicap, or other distinguishing feature because of affirmative action. Let us be clear, dipshits, Obama is president because he was the best human being for the job. He beat out a corpse and a Real Housewife of Wasila. Unlike his predecessor, he wasn't selected because of his father, he was elected in spite of his father. Read that as you will, but it is the truth. We currently have the right person for the job. In 1980 Republicans stated that the assassination attempt upon Ronald Reagan by Hinkley was an attempt to nullify an election, now those same tools are out in force protesting Obama saying his presidency is illegitimate.

There is truly only one way to health care reform, Reconciliation.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Illegal Procedure

How many times have we heard from the right wingers in this country that illegal immigrants are here "taking our jobs"? If you have ears then you have definitely heard that once or twice, or a thousand times. The fact is, I guess I cannot argue that they are wrong, illegal immigrants, many from Mexico are taking our jobs, but which jobs?

It would surprise many people to find out that there are many, Hispanics who are not citizens of the United States who are currently serving in all branches of the United States Military. So the next time you hear someone say that illegal immigrants are taking their jobs, tell them to fight back by going down and enlist at the local recruiting station. Again, immigrants are doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do, and it appears defending/serving it in the armed forces can be added to the list. Immigrants are picking the food we eat, cleaning our facilities, raising rich people's kids, and yes, add it to the list, defending the same country that tells them they are unwanted.

Immigrants are simply doing what this country says is the basis of our economy, Capitalizing on opportunity. As for taking jobs from Americans? If you are an American who cannot win out during a job interview over someone who speaks no or broken English, who cannot prove citizenship or show a background of employment, then you are retarded and wouldn't/shouldn't get the job anyway.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Who Lies?

As all of us pretty much know by now, Joe Wilson from South Carolina is an idiot. Whether or not he is a racist is a whole other issue. What was tremendously funny though was Jimmy Carter's statement and the reaction that it received. When he said that racist people don't like Obama, don't believe he is the legitimate president of these United States, and want his administration to fail, Republicans such as Rush (Fat, Pill Popping, Stupid) Limbaugh said resoundly, "NO WE DON'T, THAT IS NOT TRUE".

The humor in this is the fact that Jimmy Carter didn't say Republicans hate Obama, he just said that there is a contingent of people with racists feelings who want to see him taken down. Let us put it this way, if I were to say homosexuals hate Obama and want to see him fail, and Republicans resoundly and categorically said "NO WE DON'T".... You get the picture? The truth is, there are a lot of racists still in this country, and of course some of them are Tea Party members, but that doesn't mean all Tea Party members are racist. The fact that many Republicans got mad that Carter said racists don't like Obama may have hit a little too close to home with them.

I believe Bill Maher said it best, "Not all Republicans are racist, but if you are a racist, you are probably a Republican."