Friday, September 18, 2009

Who Lies?

As all of us pretty much know by now, Joe Wilson from South Carolina is an idiot. Whether or not he is a racist is a whole other issue. What was tremendously funny though was Jimmy Carter's statement and the reaction that it received. When he said that racist people don't like Obama, don't believe he is the legitimate president of these United States, and want his administration to fail, Republicans such as Rush (Fat, Pill Popping, Stupid) Limbaugh said resoundly, "NO WE DON'T, THAT IS NOT TRUE".

The humor in this is the fact that Jimmy Carter didn't say Republicans hate Obama, he just said that there is a contingent of people with racists feelings who want to see him taken down. Let us put it this way, if I were to say homosexuals hate Obama and want to see him fail, and Republicans resoundly and categorically said "NO WE DON'T".... You get the picture? The truth is, there are a lot of racists still in this country, and of course some of them are Tea Party members, but that doesn't mean all Tea Party members are racist. The fact that many Republicans got mad that Carter said racists don't like Obama may have hit a little too close to home with them.

I believe Bill Maher said it best, "Not all Republicans are racist, but if you are a racist, you are probably a Republican."

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