Thursday, September 10, 2009

Holier Than Thou

Unlike many Republicans I know personally, as well as their role models on TV, I do know that I am an awful person. Those who do harm to this country through their virulent lies are asses, but at the same time I am not going to yell at them from a high horse. This weekend, I am supposed to be going to a funeral for one of my best friends in my life. The service isn't for him, but his grandfather, who was a stalwart in the county I live in, almost a legend. Instead, this Saturday I will be home. Is it the grief that keeps me away, is it the sadness of a passing fellow I cannot bear? Perhaps I have a family obligation that is keeping me from the wake, or maybe it is the solemn vow I made to myself a long time ago, that I would only attend one funeral, ever, and it would be my own. If only any of these were the real reason I am not going. The simple truth is that No. 18 Notre Dame is playing my unranked Michigan Wolverines at the same time the funeral and wake are being held. Douchebag, is the only word that comes to mind when trying to describe myself for actions not yet done, but in life we only have a short time, and I made a choice, a choice I almost find appalling. I do not wish to seek anyone's forgiveness or understanding, but I wanted all who read this blog to know that I am just as much of a piece of shit as the next guy. The difference between me and some of my contemporaries, I own up to it. Go Blue. Bye Tom.


  1. The new coach at Michigan has a record of having
    a much better year his second year than he does in his first. I personally do not expect the Maize and Blue to be unranked for very long. On the other note, funerals are overrated anyway.
    Life is too short to force yourself to do a bunch of crap that you really don't want to do
    and really don't have to do. Don't worry about it. Go Blue.

  2. I really think both the family and Tom, if he were still around would be very proud of you.
    They know you well and understand what is important. If we take just one day to honor a friend, we aren't much of a friend. It was the years of your honor that counts. Enjoy and raise a toast to Tom....GO BLUE!!!!

  3. I knew they would still love you. Glad Seattle won for Tony.
