Sunday, September 6, 2009

Vocal Minority & Money Talks

As the health care debate rages on, we see our elected officials show us just how callow they really are. Democrats have been given the keys to the car to drive for the next decade, and instead of driving us to our vacation destination, they keep stopping on the side of the road to listen to every crazed hitch hiker holding a sign that says "Communists" or "Obamanation".

Keep your eyes on the road, keep your foot on the pedal, and don't stop to pick up the axe murderer who is trying to kill health care reform and the early years of this presidency, one that has the potential of making great strides in social progress. Rep. Maxine Waters is absolutely right in her belief that Republicans have no interest in a true reform bill, just hopes that stalling the talks will stall this administration. In a climate where we are trying to fly these ideas and reforms, the last thing our pilot Obama needs to hear or think about is the word stall. His presidency will go into a nose dive if action isn't taken.

And lastly, to all you Democratic representatives in "swing" states, grow a pair of balls for once. If you are cowtowing to extremists pussies carrying guns to rallies, then you too are a pussy. If you are wavering because you have a stream of campaign dollars coming in from the health care industry, then shame on you for selling your constituents out. Our Declaration of Independence has some very important words you all need to remember. People have three inalienable rights, if you don't know what the first one is then we should be ashamed that you ever even got into office, but I will remind you anyway. The first of the inalienable rights spelled out in the Declaration is LIFE! Even before liberty or the pursuit of happiness, LIFE is number one. Making sure all Americans have health insurance is the first step of making sure their inalienable rights are not infringed upon.

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